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Use or pamper


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I've always been one to care for my possessions. One such item is my silver pigeon field grade 3. 

Didn't want it getting knocked about rough shooting so bought an old o/u. Then I went and got a lighter sxs. Now have 3 guns when could have just used one. Friend is of the mind to use a good gun till it wears out and then replace. The Beretta will outlast me so thinking I should just get enjoyment out of it rather than keep it shiney in the cabinet. I probably shoot best with it than the cheaper two. Just wondered whether forum members ever suffer the same dilemma.

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Nah .buy more guns and enjoy shooting them too .

Im definatly of the mind that a gun is to be used and not looked at. But i also have different guns for different purposes.  Curently at 3 s. guns set them all up the same way .that way its easy to jump from one to the other .

I do the same with my rifles 


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Not so much shooting pigeons as it's a pretty tame environment. 

Rough shooting and game shooting (not driven) , you walk a hedge and then may climb through it at the end (no gate) over the barbed wire fence. Shot bird,  pick it up out the ditch, mud water and blood on hands. Then it starts to rain. All of it avoidable of course unless you go out often and then the damage builds up. A wet gun needs to be dried and treated not easy if you go out two or three days on the trot. 

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2 hours ago, JDog said:

With all due respect the gun is a Beretta Silver Pigeon not a Purdey, Boss or Woodward. Use it and look after it.

With all due respect it's all relative to the individual and if someone has worked hard and saved hard to buy an SP3 then to them it could be worth more than a Purdey or Boss to somebody who is very wealthy 

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Use is not the same as abuse. I have a grade 4 field gun fixed chokes my son uses it on clays and game as I use a Sidelock sxs. We both climb fences hedges the lot. The stock has a lovely London hand oiled finish, it has a few small marks but he enjoys using it and shoots well with it. Farmer on same shoot I attended has a grade 5 with most of the colour worn off the action, he uses it for it's designed purpose. 

Dry it clean it and lube it but get the use of it


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I’m in the ‘tool for the job’ camp too, if only because it means I can buy more guns 😄.

I've also got a SP but it’s a 32” Sporter, so used only in the more controlled environs of a clay ground. 

I’ve a very well used e Rizzini as a hide gun, that I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit upset if it got more bashed. Would love a fixed choke sp for some rough shooting but can’t justify it just now. 

Although... If were to start again I’d just get a fixed choke SP and use for both. 

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