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foreign aid


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just read about Aktis Strategy the company for aid in Irag,Syria,Somalia,Libya,Afghanistan gone bust owing millions to suppliers,staff,and security. Where has all the aid money our taxes gone? Foreign aid is a good cause but i ask where has the money gone?

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8 minutes ago, spurs 14 said:

This whole foreign aid is a joke should be done away with there’s enough people in this country that need looking after , homeless ex service personnel, Nhs , cancer research , shall I go on ! How can the government warrant sending millions to countries like India who then spend millions on a space programme yes there are countries that are in need of help but how much gets to where it should - corrupt officials milking it at every turn , warlords stealing aid when it does get through ! 

     Stop the foreign aid program but instead give a portion of the money to units like the Red Cross ,oxfam , unicef that way everyone knows the money is spent on aid  

+1 Charity begins at home I say .

Would be better spent in this country in my opinion.

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Governments over the years have just given money out with both hands to all so called third world coutries knowing that the leadership in most of these countries are corrupt and that the majority of the money will not go on aid.  In my opinion the only time we should be sending aid overseas is when there is a natural disaster, Tsunami, Earthquake ,Flooding etc. and in the main the aid should be food,water ,clothing and building materials, Not Money.  Our Government should get our house in order before giving our money away.


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I've said it before but it's worth saying again, more is spent on aid then the entire uk policing budget. 

Why money is given to countries that spend billions on space programs and nuclear ballistic missile programs when we have hundreds of thousands of homeless at home I don't know. 

Bribery is probably a more fitting word in most instances.  

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1 hour ago, FOXHUNTER1 said:

+1 Charity begins at home I say .

Would be better spent in this country in my opinion.

70yrs ago my grandmother, the kindest person you would ever meet, always said, "Charity begins at home, if we don't look after ourseleves first then how can we afford charity".

The sign on the emergency rules on a plane ...put on your own oxygen mask first before attempting to help others, says it all.

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Foreign aid where its needed. After a natural disaster etc. 

Having a target is rediculous. Sure put so much to one side but it goes to cover next year's budget if not needed. 

Us giving money to India when they have a space program and the world's 2nd largest military force is a farce. 

I'm not opposed to helping those that need it, but a large dose of commonsense needs to be injected into both the guvmint and civil service. 

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4 hours ago, islandgun said:

I understand from old post's on here, that aid is actually a bribe or sweetener given by our government to other governments for future benefit, how much filters down is anyone's guess


Foreign aid is nothing but robbing the country's budget to bribe certain countries to vote/act to your benefit, most of it seems to be in the form of arms sales anyway. One day a few million (maybe thousands) of our descendants will be looking back in anger at the absurdity of it all. Imagine the good those sums could be put to right here. 

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4 hours ago, Walker570 said:

70yrs ago my grandmother, the kindest person you would ever meet, always said, "Charity begins at home, if we don't look after ourseleves first then how can we afford charity".

The sign on the emergency rules on a plane ...put on your own oxygen mask first before attempting to help others, says it all.

My sentiments exactly but our comments will never be heard by the snouts in Westminster I'm afraid.

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21 hours ago, armsid said:

just read about Aktis Strategy the company for aid in Irag,Syria,Somalia,Libya,Afghanistan gone bust owing millions to suppliers,staff,and security. Where has all the aid money our taxes gone? Foreign aid is a good cause but i ask where has the money gone?

Switzerland following most of the rest probably?

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Don't know how it works with other charities but I was told that charity shops only have to pay 20% of their DECLARED takings to use a charity label.

It's madness to be giving money to overseas aid (except for natural tragedies) when we have so many people relying on food banks.

Another point to realise; Before we started live aid and the rest, communities and villages in areas that were susceptible to floods, famine etc naturally kept family sizes to a sustainable level. Much like animals and birds do in the wild according to the area or the current weather conditions. These communities grow when given aid and when disaster hits the effects are much worse.

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