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Brexit talks have collapsed


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Whilst I don’t like the EU I can’t understand why people don’t want any trade deal? Are the same people who are against an EU trade deal also opposed to a deal with the US or Japan or whoever? 

I don’t believe our negotiators would deliberately shaft us just because it’s ‘the EU’.  

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Just now, AVB said:

Whilst I don’t like the EU I can’t understand why people don’t want any trade deal?

Are the same people who are against an EU trade deal also opposed to a deal with the US or Japan or whoever? 
I don’t believe our negotiators would deliberately shaft us just because it’s ‘the EU’.  

We would love a trade deal, but no deal is far better than a bad deal!

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On 05/12/2020 at 08:44, 12gauge82 said:

I very much hope so, maybe a little bit of short term pain, but no deal will be fantastic for this country, certainly miles better than any "deal" the EU has offered until now. 

How do you know? Genuine question and hope you're right in case of no deal.

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1 hour ago, AVB said:

Whilst I don’t like the EU I can’t understand why people don’t want any trade deal? Are the same people who are against an EU trade deal also opposed to a deal with the US or Japan or whoever? 

I don’t believe our negotiators would deliberately shaft us just because it’s ‘the EU’.  

I would love a trade deal with the EU, a sensible trade deal, the type any other independent country would reasonably sign up to, the problem isn't so much the EU, its some of our own politicians who are hell bent on remaining, even to the point of harming the UKs interests to stay, I simply don't trust them and after the last few years can you blame me?

For that reason I think it probably better at this point to just leave, take the damage and then see if the EU will negotiate a sensible deal. 

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From reports seen in the media it seems the hold ups are mainly fishing rights and state aid for business.well the eu decimated our fishing industries fleet with their super trawlers and other eu countries have blatantly propped up some of their industries.as far as i can see if the rest of the eu are denied access to our fish then it will give a chznce for stocks to recover.and our fleet coulx increase to supply the home market instead of buying it back off others.as for helping industry why not as creating employment can only bd a good thing.as we have a massive deficit with the trade we do with the eu it would be a self inflicted wound on their behalf if tarrifs are brought into play.

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I think any deal will be tied in with at least some compromise of sovereignty which is why no deal seems to be the preferred option for many of us.

EDIT: In fact many of us feel the EU is simply dressed up as a market for the naive.

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Iceland has flourished after leaving the EU it LEASES THIER FISHING RIGHTS TO THE EU AND CAN CONTROL THE STOCKS  WHAT COULD BE EASIER? Ah i forgot our politicians will lose their EU pension funding and cheap travel etc. poor thingsBosses here should have been training apprentices for every trade because when we joined this club Apprentice ships declined as labour ready trained came from europe leaving most of our youngones in dead end low wage jobs.Coventry where i grew up lost its tech college due to a shortage of apprentices and the college site is   premier inn hopefully we can get some industry back The Scottish trawler fleet was scrapped that is a job creation in hand making new ships  and all the other knock on jobs as well We can now map our own destiny as long as politicians do not scupper the boat.

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11 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Apparently (according to Farage's social media) some deal has been agreed on fishing.

So it seems the sellout my have begun 

What’s wrong with having a deal on fishing? We don’t need all of it so makes sense to use it as a bargaining chip. 

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We'll see but after 4 years of politicians, the media, big business, banks, some celebrities and many others doing all in their power to overturn the largest democratic instruction ever given by the people to the politicians, like others on here I won't be holding my breath and am ready to be well and truly shafted again. I very much hope I'm proved wrong. 

And now this, who knows what's happening behind the scenes. 



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20 hours ago, AVB said:

What’s wrong with having a deal on fishing? We don’t need all of it so makes sense to use it as a bargaining chip. 

Nothing is wrong with an acceptable deal, but I doubt very much that France has moved, so by deduction it must be the UK that has moved and we were already offering too much for little to nothing in return!

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borris tell them to go forth and multiply           others will follow  its what they are afraid of 



  i remember going in     it wasnt this bull **** it was about trade red tape opening borders not setting  prices  ripping us off 

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13 hours ago, AVB said:

What’s wrong with having a deal on fishing? We don’t need all of it so makes sense to use it as a bargaining chip. 

Are you a fisherman? Alot of the people who fish our waters voted out to get those waters back!! If we concede to the French then alot of people will be up in arms over it. Bargain chip yes, sell out NO

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30 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

Are you a fisherman? Alot of the people who fish our waters voted out to get those waters back!! If we concede to the French then alot of people will be up in arms over it. Bargain chip yes, sell out NO

So in your mind what would be acceptable? We currently get 20% of the catch. If we had 100% where would we sell it as the EU would probably close that market. I get it’s emotional but where would you draw the line? 

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