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Cheerio Scotland!


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If scotland want to leave the uk will they have to pay all the money back they owe and the big handouts they got to stay last time.


I think if Scotland do get a referendum we in the rest of the U.K. Should get a vote on whether we want them, think they would be cast off in short order.

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If scotland want to leave the uk will they have to pay all the money back they owe and the big handouts they got to stay last time.



I think if Scotland do get a referendum we in the rest of the U.K. Should get a vote on whether we want them, think they would be cast off in short order.


Edited by Paul taylor
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So Sturgeon thinks its undemocratic? She accepted the SNP mp's with a tiny % of the UK vote where the UKIP % only rated 1 MP. Time for reform I Think


But thats the way ur demcratic system has worked for years. Why did u not have the same problem when scotland would send down 50 labour MP's election after election. I think the new SNP are flexing there muscles more but in the past they never voted on purely english issues, whereas all these labour mp's would be voting in every vote

UKIP never won enough seats thats the way it goes.


Must admit i find sturgeon quite hypocritical, if an extra 1/2-3/4 million folk in scotland voted remain it would of dragged/kept the whole of england and wales in EU which also would not be democracy for the rest of UK, althou i'm sure ok with sturgeon as it suited her


God knows wot would of happened if that was the case, mibee WW3 might have started after all or a Battle of Britain 2 :whistling:

Edited by scotslad
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But thats the way ur demcratic system has worked for years. Why did u not have the same problem when scotland would send down 50 labour MP's election after election. I think the new SNP are flexing there muscles more but in the past they never voted on purely english issues, whereas all these labour mp's would be voting in every vote

UKIP never won enough seats thats the way it goes.


Must admit i find sturgeon quite hypocritical, if an extra 1/2-3/4 million folk in scotland voted remain it would of dragged/kept the whole of england and wales in EU which also would not be democracy for the rest of UK, althou i'm sure ok with sturgeon as it suited her


God knows wot would of happened if that was the case, mibee WW3 might have started after all or a Battle of Britain 2 :whistling:


Granted (and not a UKIP Supporter by the way) supporter of electoral reform

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She is on the news now saying she is going to put in place systems for a second referendum

She is determined to make sure she follows up on the fact that Scotland voted to remain in Europe

"Independence referendum highly likely"

Watch this space


I wonder how she expects to collect Scotish Taxes as it currently being collected though England's Tax offices.They did plan to implement their own Scottish tax rate (as all their codes now have the prefix 'S' example S1100L) but we where still going to collect it for them.They Then suspended the decision to introduce their own tax rate after God know how much money was spent writing the processes & upgrading the NPS system.

There's a big wall in Northumberland that might come in handy lol

Edited by Davyo
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I wonder how she expects to collect Scotish Taxes as it currently being collected though England's Tax offices.They did plan to implement their own Scottish tax rate (as all their codes now have the prefix 'S' example S1100L) but we where still going to collect it for them.They Then suspended the decision to introduce their own tax rate after God know how much money was spent writing the processes & upgrading the NPS system.

There's a big wall in Northumberland that might come in handy lol

You can just so off with your big wall, a lot of northumberland is north of the wall.

Let's make a new wall and get some graft out of the poles before they all go home.

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I am not sure of the accurate timeline here, but at the time of the Scotish referendum, Hadnt the EU referendum not become common knowledge and the scotish people voted knowing there was a distinct possibility they might be leaving the EU. ?

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She's said that a second referendum is on the table because she had to, but she won't call it unless she's 100% sure she can win it, whether the Scots vote to leave the UK will depend on so many different factors that I think she'd be rather foolhardy to call it until at least some of the dust settles and she has got at least the bare bones of a deal with the EU thrashed out.

I like Scotland, can't stand Nicola Sturgeon though, and I hope that should they decide to vote on it again they decide to stay with us, but if the Scots do vote to leave us then so be it, I personally think it would be a mistake but I hope that if they do vote to leave us then I'm proved wrong.

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oh great , we can have a referendum on independence from the uk then a referendum on joining the eu then a referendum on leaving the eu when we see how well the uk is doing, this is given that the eu want us (and why would they) she is a canny politician though :/ wait for another vote at the time that it is likely to be when the uk is struggling to find its feet in the next year or two, I hate politicians !

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Sturgeon is beating her drum to her own agenda.


I don't see how Scotland would benefit from independance.


Oil price is down and apart from that all they have is tourism and a lot of space.


I doubt Europe would want them although after listening to the other Euro sceptics this morning there may soon be no EU to belong to.


Now that we can control our international waters, the French and Spanish boats will be clustered around Sotland like bees around a honey pot.


She got my back up this morning. Euro flag on one side and the Saltaire on the other. No sign of the Jack at all.

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It's not going to happen.


They have confirmed before if we leave the UK we're out...




With our deficit of ~10% we don't meet one of the main criteria to get in, a deficit of < 4%.


We would also be a drain in the EU rather than the contributor that the UK is, and Spain and

Belgium will block it.


As they say you can tell Sturgeon's lying when her lips are moving, please bear that in mind.

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Westminster subsidises/gives Scotland a load of money, and oil prices are currently poor.


Its all smoke and mirrors and blustering, Scotland are going nowhere soon, and if they want to go independent and PAY to join the EU they are welcome, and bonkers at the same time!

Edited by Dekers
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Westminster subsidises/gives Scotland a load of money, and oil prices are currently poor.


Its all smoke and mirrors and blustering, Scotland are going nowhere soon, and if they want to go independent and PAY to join the EU they are welcome, and bonkers at the same time!

They're just after further English handouts.

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