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Private property and the law.

Pistol p

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I have a problem that involves private property. I managed to purchase some land beside my house after many years of asking and correspondence, it's a good size about 10mx25m. The land is beside a road down our cul de sac with a path separating it. It's kept in good condition by myself and I've yet to decide how or what to do with it. However, I'm having problems with one family who believe its their right to park on it and it's come to a crunch point. Tonight saw four car loads of yobs and an assault on myself on the land, and it's going to get worse. The police were called and didn't arrive. It ended with a good number of my surrounding neighbours intervening to calm a flaring issue.

The question is how to stop the parking problem, without me having to erect a fence or go through more aggravation from the family from hell. I don't think a " keep out, private property " sign is going to do very much at all.

Any ideas?

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Big metal post either side and Put a chain across so they can't park their.


Or leave the chain off and put it up after they park there. £100 call out charge to come take it off lol. (Might have to check this is legal as clamping on private property was outlawed).


Could you also have their cars towed?

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Just to say that I have a BT, water and fire hydrant service covers on the perimeter. I also like to keep access for the sit on mower that's used. It's quite a difficult situation as parking is an issue, especially at weekends. I don't even park on it myself so that I don't encourage others. The situation that I can see happening is coming home to find someone doing an engine change on my land. It's the type of family you don't want near you. I expecting slashed tyres tomorrow morning, that's the folk I'm dealing with.

Do you know if they rent their property? If so you could make a complaint to the Landlord/Housing assoc?

This family were evicted from their previous house in Basildon. Yes Basildon.

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You may not be able to clamp them 😡

But you can charge them 😊


Had similar just put up a sign parking £50 a day


Your land you payed for it seems correct they should pay to use it

Or not

Although you may find you need change of use from your planning authority to change from garden to car park



Just my thoughts

All the best


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You may not be able to clamp them 😡

But you can charge them 😊


Had similar just put up a sign parking £50 a day


Your land you payed for it seems correct they should pay to use it

Or not

Although you may find you need change of use from your planning authority to change from garden to car park



Just my thoughts

All the best


Yer, good luck collecting that 🙄

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If you have been assaulted and may have reliable witnesses, i would visit the police and complain that they didn't assist you and then get a complaint logged. Get yourself some cheap cctv set up inside your property if possible and next time you challenge them you will have your assault on camera. Good luck. from Auntie.

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Big hoooge **** off gorse bushes...just leave enough space for you to gain access - maybe have your access point restricted by gate/chain/padlock of some sort


Or get some rainbow flags & make up some "Parking Pride" banners, then list the spot as a gay dogging venue.

It'll make for some interesting CCTV antics & give a better chance of the police TURNING UP (to watch/join in) the next time you phone them!!

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It's stories like this make me realise how lucky I am with regards to neighbours. I guess your only option is to report to council, push for police action should you have a witness and install a non flammable barrier around your plot of land. Good luck sounds like you may need it.

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Keep a detailed diary of who, when, Reg numbers, dates, times, duration of stay, take photographs, record any incidents assaults etc, call the police every time report it as anti social behaviour! and get an incedent number, put notices up that its private land, if the police won't act contact your local councillor and MP.....seek legal advice as to your other options.

Edited by panoma1
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Fencing/hedging off the land potentially gives your neighbours a planning dept flavour stick to beat you with. If the land is within a residential estate then theres a fair chance the land has services (gas, electric etc) under it so digging a ditch may not be a good idea, and has been mentioned could leave you open to civil action for damages/'accidents'. Anti-gypsy boulders are a good bet IMO, keep them less than 1 metre in height and leave a gap/gaps big enough for your mower to get through. CCTV afterwards (or regardless) might be a good idea as it sounds like you're going to get grief whatever you do :unhappy:

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You need a physical barrier.


You can go the route of signs and capturing and documenting transgression but what's the point? The police won't be interested and that leaves you with obtaining a civil injunction and that's way more expensive and drawn out than fencing.


Get it fenced the end.


Alternatively, if you don't want a big fence round it, then go open bar half height and something spikey round the boundary e.g. holly, pyracantha. Dig them in with lots of poo and plenty of water and they'll be off and running soon enough.


I'd also look into who the neighbours from hell are - pull the land registry office copy entries and see if they own the property they are in. If they are renting, then get onto the landlord.

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