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What's the plan for today then???


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24 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

I know people get away with stuff like this all the time but I really fail to see how that’s not a criminal offence to be followed up by the Police. Blatant theft. 

What area and type of person were you renting to mate? 

Mid they never paid any bills etc how did they pass the credit and employment checks? Or did you not have one? 

Passed all checks but she’s been led by a new boyfriend who appeared in Feb then that’s when the problems started, he’s a real scum bag and she’s besotted with him, she’s from a very nice family as well..I’ve reported her to the police and it’s gone down as theft from dwelling and there looking for her now... the area is just outside Manchester in a quiet location..I’m also going to try small claims court for the outstanding rent..

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19 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

After finishing my 3rd 12hr night shift, I have today 'off', but now just too tired to do anything. Back in on Christmas Day / Boxing Day for another 2 12hr day shifts. And, when I'm in work my wife is home and vice versa.

I’ve told my GF next year I’m doing Xmas day in hw children’s home working - mostly so I don’t have to spend it down her parents ??

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Meat and tatties day at Matt Manor :good:Mrs MM has a bit of Glas'wigeon in her :no: to be fair - its a mega slap up, huge roasted joints of beef, ham and pork, accompanied by roast potatoes, roast sweet potatoes and very nearly every type of pickle and chutney known to man kind. 

Next time I set foot on the scales ill be tipping 13 stone......... 



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1 hour ago, Archie-fox said:

Passed all checks but she’s been led by a new boyfriend who appeared in Feb then that’s when the problems started, he’s a real scum bag and she’s besotted with him, she’s from a very nice family as well..I’ve reported her to the police and it’s gone down as theft from dwelling and there looking for her now... the area is just outside Manchester in a quiet location..I’m also going to try small claims court for the outstanding rent..

If she's got nowt you will probably get nowt!........But with any luck a criminal record and a CCJ against her may screw her future chances of getting credit and/or doing the same to some other victim? 

If she comes from decent folk approach them, maybe they will cover your losses? If not, at least You will have made them aware of what their daughter has been up to!

good luck!

Edited by panoma1
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1 hour ago, Archie-fox said:

Passed all checks but she’s been led by a new boyfriend who appeared in Feb then that’s when the problems started, he’s a real scum bag and she’s besotted with him, she’s from a very nice family as well..I’ve reported her to the police and it’s gone down as theft from dwelling and there looking for her now... the area is just outside Manchester in a quiet location..I’m also going to try small claims court for the outstanding rent..

CCJ and criminal record to her name should hopefully stop her doing it again.

Lots of people can’t be ***** to register the CCJ and the person just jumps from House to House doing it over and over. 

Some of those bailiffs also seem to be pretty good at finding debtors so best of luck mate. 

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Rolled out of bed at 11.30,sat in PJ's till 14.00.Popped to M&S after a shower.Back home and got back into my PJ's.Will prep dinner tonight with a few Sloe Gin & lemonade's.Nothing to wrap up as did all that in October.Wifes already started on the Prosecco watching cartoons.She will be off her tits by 18.00 lol.

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8 minutes ago, Davyo said:

Rolled out of bed at 11.30,sat in PJ's till 14.00.Popped to M&S after a shower.Back home and got back into my PJ's.Will prep dinner tonight with a few Sloe Gin & lemonade's.Nothing to wrap up as did all that in October.Wifes already started on the Prosecco watching cartoons.She will be off her tits by 18.00 lol.

And then you’ll be on them? Lol 

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was up at 8am to install new washing machine. Made my signature xmas cheesecake then cleaned and lit log burner. At 12-30 went dogging in on estate. Its now 15-30 and I am about to start prepping our Xmas dinner which we historicaly have Xmas eve. .. Then its bath and a dvd with copious amounts of malt whisky..

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Been in work last three evenings and finished each night around two in the morning. Got up this morning about 11 and made bacon butties for me, wife and daughter, snuck up into loft and have moved all the prezzies into garage til tonight. Son eventually come home today after couch surfing for last three weeks and lovely to see him. Made a humongus prawn cocktail for lunch for all of us whilst watching the polar express which my daughter makes us watch every year despite she nearly 19. Am about to have a couple of 5 year old damson voddies whilst listening to some Bach whilst wifey has some baileys.

Happy days!

May i wish all my fellow pwer's good health and fortune.



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This must be the first year ever where most ( if not all ) the Christmas shopping was done by Friday night as I am always shooting on a Saturday and even if I wasn't Saturday is always a shopping free day .

Today started  with taking the dog out and having a quick look round to see if I can find a few pigeons for Boxing day , then after a bite to eat we went round the garden centres to see if we could get a rooted Christmas tree to put in our new garden , the fist one we went to had some lovely trees that they were giving away free but sadly they didn't have roots on and to cut a long story short , that was more or less the same with the other three garden centres we went to .

So if any member in Norfolk have got a decent Xmas tree with roots on going for a sensible price by all means send me a P M , if the worst comes to the worst I will have to turn the clock back 50 years and go out at the dead of night with a small spade and borrow one , on second thoughts I don't think it will do my ole back a lot of good so cancel that last statement .

Anyhow , whatever you are doing tonight and tomorrow , have a good time and if you are driving , have a safe journey and we look forward to hearing about how your festive period went , good or bad .

                                                                               MERRY CHRISTMAS :santa: :yay:

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Walked the dogs in the woods for a few hours from 0600, Xmas clay shoot from 0900 to 1400, walked dogs again for another coupla hours in  woods, daughter, son in law and 12 week old grandson round now for a takeaway and some cider for me as well.

A good day all in all:good:

Happy days!

...and the real bonus is  the shortest day has gone, roll on t he spring

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9 hours ago, flynny said:

Well I was up at 5am and went for a walk with dog and rifle after rabbits and fox, ( not one or the other to be seen)

after a brew I retired to the man cave to put the little uns new bike together and knock up an extension for our dining table ready for Boxing Day ( the tribe is round!!!!!) it's amazing what you can knock up with some MDF and 3" x 2" lol

we are then off to watch Paddington 2, the vote for the new Star Wars film got outnumbered 3 to 1 lol

a bit of lunch out then onto church for Christingle ( oh the joys lol lol) then out for tea and drinks in the local pub , and then  after the are kids in bed and asleep( yes , good luck with the sleep bit Flynny)

Ill sort the toys r us store out ,and put it under the tree,


arnt we supposed to relax at Xmas lol lol,





Christmas clay comp at Costains Puddington here on the Wirral.

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We got up about 8:30,had brecky,snowboarded till lunch,had lunch on the slope(glorious bluebird day),done a few more runs in the afternoon,went back to the apartment got changed,all went to watch the torchlit decent and see santa and a fantastic firework display(had a few mulled vino's),we all really enjoyed the evening.

Just chilling with a few cold ones.

Merry christmas to everyone?




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