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Gender fluid Credit Suisse boss who flits  between being man and woman wins women in finance award!

He can’t even make his mind up. If you want to change sex go for it but to split your time 50/50 between the two! 


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It highlights the utter absurdity of much of the western democratic approach to equality and desire to not cause offence.

It doesn’t upset me in the least if folks want to cross dress, likewise if folk are genuinely transgender and 100% identify as the opposite sex to their birth.

Gender fluid however, where you can identity as either a man or a woman or maybe even both together, as and when in order to suit your purposes baffles and worries me.

I imagine there are a lot of women within the finance world will feel offended at that award.

Edited by grrclark
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7 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Perhaps they should tell someone they are offended, that'll throw a spanner in the work 

Once upon a time it would have, but feminism has been trumped by transactivism.

Any woman that does complain will be branded transphobic and that means that their offence doesn’t count.

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9 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

As long as He, She does a good job. Isn't rude, aggressive or full of themselves, let them crack on. Too many people find too many things to moan about. Live your own life, and leave others to live theirs. 

In principle I fully agree, however, far too often when these "Special minorities" don't get their own way and/or special treatment they think they deserve, they are quick to scream discrimination on the grounds of ""whatever"" and demand their"rights" when they are not warented .

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I don't agree this person isn't hurting anyone. What about all the women who are forced to indulge this autogynophile's sexual fetish at work for fear of losing their jobs? 

Woman is not a feeling. It's a biological reality. Even  transsexual women (who were once men) are speaking out against this kind of thing. It's time people stood up and said NO to this twisted, pornified indulgence. .So I'm going to say now that's is time for every man here (And the occasional woman too) to put their voice across in the gender recognition act consultation. Look at https://fairplayforwomen.com/ and then go and fill in the consultation form itself: https://consult.education.gov.uk/government-equalities-office/reform-of-the-gender-recognition-act/consultation/intro/. If you read the guidance you can skip lots of sections. 

I am horrified by the number of child abusers, rapists and otherwise evil men who are jumping on the idea of self-identification. Ian Huntley is now calling himself "Nicola", the name of his victim's mother. Does he get a right to self identify as a woman? How about Karen White who was a male and a convicted rapist and was moved to a women's prison and went on to terrorise and assault the women who couldn't get away from him? What about David Challoner, the Green party activist who raped a ten year old. He was part of advising Girl Guides that they should allow boys to join and NOT TELL parents if those boys would be sharing sleeping accommodation with girls. When boys as young as six are so poisoned by violent porn that they rape girls (https://www.tes.com/news/exclusive-school-staff-failed-stop-six-year-old-playground-rapes) we cannot stop protecting women and girls. 

Be a man in a dress and I'll cheer you on. Be a man who puts on a dress and demands I call you a woman then you're demanding I submit to your hokey beliefs.That's not going to happen. 

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Careful Liz, rational talk like that will have you villified as a transphobic!

For what it is worth I agree with the vast majority of your comments and applaud your strength of feeling.

The only thing I may disagree with is that it is a “pornified” indulgence, I actually think it is much wider than that and that worries me more.

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Quote: "Pippa Bunce talking to Mastercard about the 'importance of authenticity'. The bank director claims to split his time 'fifty-fifty' between Pippa and Philip"

Makes me wonder how he can have any authenticity at all while being a she,  as read further into the shocking detail, he's also known to use the surname Brice.

In my logic that means it might be Philip Bruce, Pippa Bruce, Philip Brice or Pippa Brice. Wonder if he has four bank and credit card authenticised account identities.


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It all used to be so simple when everyone knew that males and females were kind of different... ☹️

Who invented all this gender switching BS? It's nothing but a totally unnatural form of attention seeking so why do we have to have it shoved down our throats as if it's okay?

Sorry all you Right On Liberals but It isn't okay with me!

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I just clicked on the link

The photo where there's a group of workers and the caption has to points out which one it is. Screenshot_20180923-204224.jpg.ff5ca29b6c32647d92e517ef64820aa9.jpg

Yes it's the big ugly bloke in the dress standing out like a sore thumb! 

I can't believe they had to point him out

Cheered me right up, even the misses had to have a gander to see what I was chuckling at. 


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a friend of my 14 year old daughter remarked how she has transgender person in their at school.

the male has assumed a female gender and is permitted to use the female changing rooms/showers for P.E.Suffice to say the females are some what upset. I guess fathers of said girls may also be a tad upset.


On a similar note, a former employee of my organisation decided to change from male to female (no surgery involved just a change of clothing) in his early 50's.

He/she declared that they should be permitted to have use of the ladies lavatories in the workplace which was not challenged.

However, he/she would make the long walk with a copy of his tabloid paper tucked under his arm each morning at 'poo'o'clock' and stink the lav's in true man style.

I'm all for live and let live but......?


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