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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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3 minutes ago, bluesj said:

I guess there isn't much point in testing everyone only those that are ill enough to need some sort or treatment. If you tested negative today with only had a cough it doesn't mean that you wont get it tomorrow 

That's not the view from South Korea. They have been the most successful country so far to deal with this. Having a true picture of numbers and spread has been one of their greatest assets in fighting this. If we only now the serious cases then we are dealing with guesswork regarding the vast majority of infectious spread.

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8 hours ago, Smokersmith said:

I didn't know what flu was until I had it in my late 20's …

It's a lot more than a bad cold !

I had flu, real flue about 25 years ago and I never thought it was possible to feel that ill without dying and to be honest I wouldn't have cared if I did die. I lost three or four days where I don't remember anything. No conversations nothing. A total blank

Six months later I still felt like nothing on earth, totally exhausted, dragging myself around just begging the hours to pass so I could drag myself back to bed. Twelve hours sleep and I woke feeling like my head hadn't touched the pillow.

I was like a zombie and I still ached all over.

I went back to the doctor and said "I can't still be feeling this bad" "Oh yes you can" he said "its called PVS, post viral syndrome" it can last for years.

It took a year at least.  before the cloud started to lift and gradually my old self returned.

It probably cost me my job at the time, I didn't get fired but my performance rating went from 'exceeds' to 'marginal'. It was a time of restructuring and I was left out big time. Later came redundancy and I was in a dept earmarked for closure.

You really cant imagine how bad you can feel, and it scares me now. 

Edited by Vince Green
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32 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

I have total sympathy with your position. What you are saying is nothing new ,was going on before you joined the job and will continue after you leave. 

I retired in 2001 and it was common to field only 4/6 Officers on a regular basis, albeit on 8 hour shifts though.

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27 minutes ago, Westley said:

I retired in 2001 and it was common to field only 4/6 Officers on a regular basis, albeit on 8 hour shifts though.

I know we are slipping off topic here. But I bet there were times when those 4/6 were running around basically fire fighting every incident and yet there was double that amount of the rank of inspector and above sat in offices seemingly being totally irrelevant to everyday policing. Am I right or am I right.

However this is going off topic but could be worth a separate thread.

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1 hour ago, TRINITY said:

I have total sympathy with your position. What you are saying is nothing new ,was going on before you joined the job and will continue after you leave. 

I get that . But the shift has gone from 30 to 8. That's quite a reduction. 

I should add that's within the last 15 years . Often I'm most senior on the division and often 1 ops insp for whole force on duty. Not much left to cut. 

Edited by GingerCat
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7 hours ago, poontang said:

Some pretty selective editing there mister. 

You've taken that infographic from the BBC website and used the 2016 figures to make your argument, deliberately erasing the date of the bar chart

I made a mistake. But I didn't get the chart from the BBC site and I didn't deliberately erase data - the information was as I found it. So unlike your deliberate slander of my character any factual error was an honest mistake. 

But your post is OK. It's given me the realization that now the crisis has finally arrived there's no point in saying anything. All it does is irritate people. What should have been done hasn't been done and that's all there is about it. 

It's just a crying shame though that just a little more planning hasn't been done. Perhaps the worst is that frontline medical staff are now being told they don't need to wear full protective gear. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/16/im-losing-faith-in-the-leadership-a-doctors-story-coronavirus seemingly because there isn't enough of it. Yet disposable hazmat suits are still, right now,  freely available on Ebay from as little as $7.00. That's a failure in basic administrative competence that is going to cost people's lives. The lives of medical staff, and the lives of their patients. And one day, somebody damned well needs to be held accountable.

But now is not the time. Good luck to everyone.


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My family of five are now self isolating due to the baby having caught hand-foot-and-mouth. It is clearly not Coronavirus but the guidance and general atmosphere means that it is the only option. I am effectively self employed so this is hard, made even harder by my wife being unpaid for a month whilst in hospital looking after our eldest when he fractured his skull. I had to speak to the staff yesterday and explain the situation, they wanted to work from home. I said the time for that hadn’t come yet, if they wanted to take holiday or unpaid leave they are welcome to. I checked the contracts last night and we haven’t included unpaid lay-off clauses, retrospect is wonderful. There already has been a big slow down, if my there is a significant closure and ongoing weakness in demand, there will have to be redundancies. 

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We seem to be going through a period of shock - after all, nothing quite like this has happened in modern history. The initial impact as seen by many, seems to be  "the end is nigh and nothing will ever be the same again". But of course, that's codswallop. We will bounce back, life for the vast majority will go on and a realisation will kick in that says "I have a need for so and so, better go and buy one". So demand will gradually return. Yes, the coming weeks will be extremely trying, worrying and frustrating. Lets wait and see what financial support the government announces later today - hopefully it will be sufficient to see off the worst of our financial worries.

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Just now, WestonSalop said:

We seem to be going through a period of shock - after all, nothing quite like this has happened in modern history. The initial impact as seen by many, seems to be  "the end is nigh and nothing will ever be the same again".

You are right, of course, but hopefully, there will be a better awareness of the 'risks' associated with globalisation.  I am no 'environmental warrior' but the massive reduction in air traffic, tourism etc. should be good for the environment (feel very sorry for those who will loose jobs as a result).  I do think that the adjustments needed are going to be quite painful for us all.

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15 minutes ago, WestonSalop said:

We seem to be going through a period of shock - after all, nothing quite like this has happened in modern history. The initial impact as seen by many, seems to be  "the end is nigh and nothing will ever be the same again". But of course, that's codswallop. We will bounce back, life for the vast majority will go on and a realisation will kick in that says "I have a need for so and so, better go and buy one". So demand will gradually return. Yes, the coming weeks will be extremely trying, worrying and frustrating. Lets wait and see what financial support the government announces later today - hopefully it will be sufficient to see off the worst of our financial worries.

There is a saying that in adversity there are opportunities. Some will come out of all this far better off. 

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1 hour ago, WestonSalop said:

We seem to be going through a period of shock - after all, nothing quite like this has happened in modern history. The initial impact as seen by many, seems to be  "the end is nigh and nothing will ever be the same again". But of course, that's codswallop. We will bounce back, life for the vast majority will go on and a realisation will kick in that says "I have a need for so and so, better go and buy one". So demand will gradually return. Yes, the coming weeks will be extremely trying, worrying and frustrating. Lets wait and see what financial support the government announces later today - hopefully it will be sufficient to see off the worst of our financial worries.

hello, i do not think it will help the millions on low incomes and zero hours contracts who cannot put money aside anyway,

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51 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

AND !!! The legal profession. This whole affair offers plenty of litigation opportunities down the track. The parasites are salivating already


I think you're right on this one, it'll be the next PPI, 'was your holiday cancelled', 'did you get infected by a person not following process' etc...

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Well as to my opinion, a lot of different stories will pop out as to the outbreak of this deadly diseases. Snake? How come don't you think? Snake are no pets and there are a lot of them in the Amazon forest, yet we are yet to hear about this in both American continents. This virus could be anything until it is figured out. I just doubt snakes are the cause of it.

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45 minutes ago, hkguy1 said:

Well as to my opinion, a lot of different stories will pop out as to the outbreak of this deadly diseases. Snake? How come don't you think? Snake are no pets and there are a lot of them in the Amazon forest, yet we are yet to hear about this in both American continents. This virus could be anything until it is figured out. I just doubt snakes are the cause of it.

I kept snakes for decades - they very much are pets!


However I also doubt they are the cause - they are pretty susceptible to respiratory diseases and quite solitary. Anything this virulent would runs out of hosts very quickly in snakes.    

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I went into Argos this morning to pick up a pre-paid for item. The staff member was serving someone in front of me, and was wearing disposable gloves. She held the customers mobile phone to get the code number, took off the gloves, entered the detail into the till, put the gloves back on when handing the customer their item. Then did the same with me using the same gloves. I asked her why she was using the same pair of gloves as that 'could' cause cross contamination, and she said that she was told to do this by her manager!

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11 minutes ago, WestonSalop said:

Just in case anyone doesn't believe we should be taking this seriously......


Even if BoJo imposes statutory restrictions today, is it too late?

I put thus on my linkedin several days ago, BoJo has missed the point to manage this ala Singapore and we are on Italian trajectory.

Edited by Stonepark
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1 hour ago, Stonepark said:

I put thus on my linkedin several days ago, BoJo has missed the point to manage this ala Singapore and we are on Italian trajectory.

The government always said that they would always implement the right strategy at the right time and they explained why they were taking the action now and not sooner. 

You also can’t compare a dictatorship island state like Singapore with the U.K.  

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