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Seasonal affective disorder.


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Thank goodness the shortest day is now upon us.


Whilst not being a chronic sufferer of SAD I do look forward to lighter mornings and evenings which start later than the current time of three thirty. If it wasn't for the odd days shooting to look forward to in the winter I fear that my mood would be more gloomy at this time of year.


The temperature outside at seven this morning was twelve degrees, eight or nine degrees above normal and perfect conditions for the winter illnesses of colds and flu.

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My old fella was a nightmare through the winter months at times and i could never understand why but im getting more like that every year and like you cant wait for the days to start stretching again.

I got an early Xmas present of a sunlamp thing that tans as well and i didnt realise how strong it is till i got burned,so read the instructions and its all good now.

The difference half an hour in front of that makes is amazing.

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Yep, the longest night now over we can look forward to them creeping out, albeit very slowly.

I too very much regard my shooting as the only light in what can otherwise be a very gloomy time of year; I will forever regard myself as fortunate my surname isn't Igmundssonn or something similar.

Daylight simulation lamps can be a very welcome boon, and in some cases a life saver, at times.

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My theory is its nature's way of putting us into semi hibernation. Years ago when everything we did was dictated by the seasons people did almost hibernate in the mid winter. They stayed inside their homes to try and conserve food and fuel and must have slept a huge amount.

Its only in the past 150 years or so that we have started to break with the natural pace of life, working the same hours all year round, getting up in the dark etc

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I think the wet and windy weather makes me feel worse than less day light, I always feel more up for it if it's a nice frosty or snowy day. Id happily have frost and snow for 3 months than have mild rainy weather.

Yep and its been extremely dull and overcast into the bargain, which does not help. Touch of frost is badly needed.



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I'm quite surprised how many people have said they get a little bit of S.A.D. I too suffer with it to a small degree. I hate it when i see the leaves turning at the end of summer. Very depressing..... By the same token, i love it when we hit January, as i know spring is only around the corner.

It's lack of sun that makes me suffer, and as has been said, it's been very overcast lately....

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I'm quite surprised how many people have said they get a little bit of S.A.D. I too suffer with it to a small degree. I hate it when i see the leaves turning at the end of summer. Very depressing..... By the same token, i love it when we hit January, as i know spring is only around the corner.

It's lack of sun that makes me suffer, and as has been said, it's been very overcast lately....

Have to agree with much of that.

I tend to regard the shortening days at the end of Summer as yet another year gone, which saddens me, along with the knowledge that it wont be too long before I can no longer stay out late in the fields in relative comfort.

On the upside I know that the shortening days also bring with them long cast shadows and bright Autumn sunshine which illuminates the colours of dying flora and my camera and me will be chomping at the bit to be in the right place at the right time. Plus of course there's the shooting season. :yahoo: And I know that by the end of the shooting season it will be light again at 5pm and we're heading in the right direction...again.

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The long nights are bad enough, what seems to have made it worse this year is the milder weather with grey cloudy days, some days it hardly gets light.

Cold and sunny days can make winter almost a pleasant as summer IMO

I don't know about as pleasant as the summer, but a nice crisp cold and sunny bright day does appeal.

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Cold and sunny days can make winter almost a pleasant as summer IMO


This. The dark in winter doesnt bother me (possibly as a result of 16 years of working in windowless buildings, so I only saw natural daylight at the weekends), nor the cold. I dont like the mild and wet conditions at all though, at least if it got cold the days would be more pleasant and the nights more productive by being more conducive to lamping.

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When I'm out shooting I set the alarm for 6.00am and usually get up before it goes off. I'm over to DBs for 8.00 after I've made the coffee and delivered one to Mrs PC and three litre flasks . I find I only need about four hours of sleep at any time in the year.

I used to be like that, bed at 1 maybe and back up at 3 or 4. Used to drive the wife barmy as I'd be prowling about most the night. Strangely enough, within days of having to take blood pressure tablets I can now sleep in until 6 or 7 :hmm: and that's after going to bed at 11.

I was like that from early twenties until mid fifties.

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I'm quite surprised how many people have said they get a little bit of S.A.D. I too suffer with it to a small degree. I hate it when i see the leaves turning at the end of summer. Very depressing..... By the same token, i love it when we hit January, as i know spring is only around the corner.

It's lack of sun that makes me suffer, and as has been said, it's been very overcast lately....


Sums it up for me too. I find my sleeping patterns can shift a lot in winter. If i`m not working I can easily stay up most of the night and sleep away a lot of the day.

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miserable lot you,s all are.......lol

autumn brings the evenings shorting, time to get the pond ready for the ducks,,sept /october brings the salmon season to an end shooting starts in earnest, november the woodcock come time for some fun with the dog,, christmas is the foxing time cover is down time to hunt,,,january the spring salmon start again then onto the grilse and oh its time for the ducks again with my health i appriciate all these things and the dark evenings brings the winters hobbys to the fore,,,,,,so come on what have we got to be miserable about.........

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My old fella was a nightmare through the winter months at times and i could never understand why but im getting more like that every year and like you cant wait for the days to start stretching again.

I got an early Xmas present of a sunlamp thing that tans as well and i didnt realise how strong it is till i got burned,so read the instructions and its all good now.

The difference half an hour in front of that makes is amazing.

I have been thinking I am affected by it the last few years :/ Being off for 6 weeks & just starting back Monday - I have seen nearly every hour on the clock :/

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