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Oh dear! Poor old Chris Packham arrested.


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If he was out there trying to stop the illegal slaughter of wild birds then, no matter what I may think of him, I see no reason to celebrate his misfortune. Surely we all have a duty to prevent such killing and I, for one, hope that his efforts are worthwhile. TIN HAT ON.

I don't think was. from other reports the people that he allegedly assaulted where taking part in a legal activity

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hello, interesting reading on google, bird trapping in malta, looks like the EU council are taking this to court, but seems trappers still do this just to keep these lovely birds in cages, police turn a blind eye, i also read the trapping season is from October 20 to December 31, as for Mr Packham thats par for the course if you demonstrate in a country like malta, as a side note the malteese goverment wants to scupper our brexit, so i say boycott going there on holiday :good:

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Whether any crime has been committed by the Maltese residents is open to debate. Packham has accused them of illegally trapping wildlife and closing an area of the coastline. Not only an expert on Maltese wildlife, Packham's expertise extends to Maltese land law. Packham doesn't bother with the legal system - he just pronounces guilt.

He visited Malta to film a documentary, provocatively titled "Malta: Massacre on migration". Just what sort of reception did he expect? He seems to have gone out of his way - to another country - in the full knowledge that there would be a confrontation. He succeeded - now he is protesting his innocence. If he saw it coming, he deserves what he gets. If he didn't see it coming, he is even more stupid than I had previously thought.

It must be a shock to his ego that the esteem, in which the BBC hold him, is not shared by the rest of the World. :whistling:

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No such thing as bad publicity, people are talking about it which means he is being given the chance to air his views, probably new full well what was going to happen.


There was something on last year with M strachen I think on the same thing illegal bird trapping

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And your opinion on this matter is?


For the record, mine is that he has done this several times before and to him this is all good publicity.


Personally I think Chris Packham is an extremist, I think he's only one step away from the type who break into legal laboratories to free the caged rats used for drug testing or aggressive hunt saboteurs who disrupt a legal pursuit.


His weapon is to use his celebrity, condoned by the BBC to pursue his biased agenda. His regular outrageous claims are swallowed as gospel by his narrow minded followers. Claiming Lapwings are in decline because they are being shot etc.


Typically he's patron to this charity with some odd ideas about Foxes.



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Personally I think Chris Packham is an extremist, I think he's only one step away from the type who break into legal laboratories to free the caged rats used for drug testing or aggressive hunt saboteurs who disrupt a legal pursuit.


His weapon is to use his celebrity, condoned by the BBC to pursue his biased agenda. His regular outrageous claims are swallowed as gospel by his narrow minded followers. Claiming Lapwings are in decline because they are being shot etc.


Typically he's patron to this charity with some odd ideas about Foxes.



Thank you for that. Position clarified.

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I was thinking i hope they lock him up till his trail but thats today , they will ban him from the island but that will only raise his profile to his followers but when hes convicted will the bbc stand behind a convicted presenter so soon after jimmy savile they must be seen to be squeaky clean after that or there going to look rotten to the core

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