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I couldn't save him


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My in laws live with us in an annexe. My wife called for me in distress this evening and I rushed through to find my father in law dead on the sofa. Did CPR and first responder got here quick but they stopped working on him and he died.


I've never seen a dead body before. He had had a triple bypass some years ago but had just had a glowing report from the cardiologist within the last week. He was 62. My 7 year old daughter is distraught

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So sorry to hear that- clearly a disturbing matter. I'd just say be a little kinder to yourself,you did all you could for the man and you tried your best.


I've done CPR twice to no avail but you've got to do what you can.


Sorry again for your family's loss.



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As said above first aid has no guarantee, you do your best till the professionals arrive, that's what they always tell you on any courses.

I'm like you done first aid through work for years but never done more than plasters and eye rinses, well done for trying to help him.

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So Sorry for you. I am a First Aid instructor and part of what we are taught/teach is to be aware of how the First Aider may feel after something like this. People feel that they didn't do something or didn't do it right. Everyone does it right as such, because if they did nothing then the chance of any change would be zero. Also the success rate for CPR is less than 30%. Keep an eye on yourself and watch out for depression. Well done for having the training and having a go. You definately did the right thing!

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Sorry to hear your sad news. It'll be the second anniversary of my dad's death in November - he died suddenly after a massively heart attack, aged 57.

It doesn't get any easier......


But the pain eases give your self time. To be feeling the way you are is natural, and shows you loved and cared, and keep doing so. Our body does things to help us that we do not even realise, there is a reason for tears, when we cry, within the tears there is a chemical that is released that is a soothing chemical that your body has made to help you.

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But the pain eases give your self time. To be feeling the way you are is natural, and shows you loved and cared, and keep doing so. Our body does things to help us that we do not even realise, there is a reason for tears, when we cry, within the tears there is a chemical that is released that is a soothing chemical that your body has made to help you.

Thank you for your kind words :good:

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