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Lord Geordie

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Thought I would just mention that my mortgage was finally completed by the solicitor yesterday. So all going well, in 10 years it will be paid off.


Thanks for all the support and encouragement you chaps have shown me over the past few years! It means a great deal to me.


So the hope is, in ten years I will be mortgage free. Can drop back to a part time job. And enjoy the fruits of my labour. And more over, Chris will NEVER have to struggle if and when I throw off these mortal coils.


So for the time being, work hard, play little and spend everything paying it off. It still hasn't fully sunk in yet. I still can't believe that it's done now.


Thanks again Guys!



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Well done. Don't forget life insurance though. Otherwise the house would be sold to cover the outstanding mortgage if something happened to you.

Already taken out a decreasing something or other policy! But found another one offering a fixed £120k for £15 per month. So may get that. That way the little master can have a cash lump if anything happens to me. House paid for, AND a lump sum should help.

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Nice 1 LG. I've got my last payment in Friday. It's great, nobody has you by the short and curlys. There's nothing they can take off you, I've been down the repo road and it's not nice, I owe nothing to anyone no credit card every thing I have is mine or should say ours.

I had to start again from scratch and struggled on.

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Don't wish the ten years to go too quickly though. And don't forget to enjoy life NOW as much as you can. Planning to do things in ten years is all well and good but a lot can happen in that time.

I am lucky because I haven't had a mortgage for twenty years

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