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New Years resolutions


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At Uni, we used to do Secret Santa New Year's resolutions. They were a giggle.

Beat my best count of 214 UK species of birds in a year. When I say best, it's the only time I bothered to count, so I'm hoping that makes it easier.

Remember to undo my shoe laces to protect the backs of my shoes more. 

Get an owl in my owl box. 

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47 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

At Uni, we used to do Secret Santa New Year's resolutions. They were a giggle.

Beat my best count of 214 UK species of birds in a year. When I say best, it's the only time I bothered to count, so I'm hoping that makes it easier.

Remember to undo my shoe laces to protect the backs of my shoes more. 

Get an owl in my owl box. 

My heel cups wince in sympathy with your resolution number 2.

My 3 resolutions:

Have the courage to make change where I can and the fortitude to accept the consequence of change when I cant.

Walk 1000 more miles than i did in 2020.

Tell Keira Knightly “No you can’t have a night of unbridled and relentless physical sexual pleasure just because ‘you’ want to”.  My feelings count too”.




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10 hours ago, grrclark said:

My heel cups wince in sympathy with your resolution number 2.

My 3 resolutions:

Have the courage to make change where I can and the fortitude to accept the consequence of change when I cant.

Walk 1000 more miles than i did in 2020.

Tell Keira Knightly “No you can’t have a night of unbridled and relentless physical sexual pleasure just because ‘you’ want to”.  My feelings count too”.




Good luck. Last night she told me this was going to be the year she finally bedded you. She's bought handcuffs and everything

Edited by chrisjpainter
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17 minutes ago, figgy said:

Don't bother making silly resolutions you can't keep about not spoiling grandchildren. If you don't your wife will. It's one of life's great pleasures or costs 👍

Question any purchase for grandchildren and be prepared for Nanna's wrath

Probably will break that quickly, but I have to be aware that there are other grandparents involved too, don't want any in (law) fighting.

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1 hour ago, Pangolin said:

Not really resolutions but I will be making a mission to hit a 120kg bench press and a 200kg deadlift

Got to 190 on the deadlift and felt breaking 200 was on this year, then 4 weeks ago tripped over my daughter and dislocated my shoulder so now back to square 1

Good luck

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Quit smoking.......blown that one already. If I could just get past that roll up with a coffee first thing in the morning I could quit no problems. Did it before 20 years ago so should be able to do it again.

Get my own business up and running by June/July. Just need to refine my Google searching for suppliers. 

Get a huge workshop to facilitate resolution 2.


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2 hours ago, button said:

Got to 190 on the deadlift and felt breaking 200 was on this year, then 4 weeks ago tripped over my daughter and dislocated my shoulder so now back to square 1

Good luck

Not nice, luckily ive not had any injuries, youll soon be back in it.

Managed 180 in my first year, then just maintained. Tried 185kg about a year ago and the vision in my left went black when i pulled due to the strain, came back after like 15 seconds. Will follow a strength programme and get my **** in gear.

Smelling salts help me quite a bit with dead lifts.

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17 hours ago, grrclark said:

Tell Keira Knightly “No you can’t have a night of unbridled and relentless physical sexual pleasure just because ‘you’ want to”.  My feelings count too”.




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Mine are boring;

Have a break from drinking - alcohol not fluid in general. I've not got a problem or anything but it just gets a bit "ill just have a beer". Its making me fat and if like to keep it for special occasions and really savour what I'm drinking.

Get fit. I'm the most unfit I've ever been. Still fit by normal peoples standards but I used to be 9st 10 throughout the winter, lean and could run 3 miles in 20 minutes and it was a serious pull up to home. Now I feel heavy, I look chubby and couldn't run a bath. My metal leg will limit running because it'll hurt but I'd like to be able to amble a few miles at a decent jog again.

Get planning permission for an extension sorted and started! Mrs BTJ is like a woman possessed so the sooner we get it sorted the sooner I dont have to look at 33 the same but different beige kitchens with an aga!


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16 hours ago, amateur said:

Thanks for sharing that.  They were a funny pair, Peter Cook was brilliantly dry.

From way before my tIme, but have seen a few clips over the years.

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