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Could We Subscribe To The Cost Of The Running Of P W ?

marsh man

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A lot of the members get a lot of enjoyment when they intermix with the members of P W , last week when we went off line for two days we had to look for other ways to pass the time on these long evenings , as some of you know I had just recently lost my wife and logging on to the forum was a great help in casting my mind else where , this got me thinking as there is very little in life that is still free and I am sure it cost money and time to set this all up .

So would it be possible in charging new and old members a nominal joining fee of lets say £5.00 , I know times are hard but most of wouldn't mind paying the price of a pint of beer for the help and banter you get on this very good forum .

This is only a suggestion and was wandering what other members think ??

Regards    MM

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The forum has been a valuable asset to my shooting, resourcing and knowledge aswell as the good banter and kind offers that some of the PW massive put up definitely a viable option and I'd be happy to pay 👍

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1 minute ago, jason g said:

The forum has been a valuable asset to my shooting, resourcing and knowledge aswell as the good banter and kind offers that some of the PW massive put up definitely a viable option and I'd be happy to pay 👍

What he said, completely agree

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15 minutes ago, marsh man said:

THANKS for all the above replies , Mods please take note , we are all willing to help if needed in some small way , no need for Teal or whoever to finance the running from his own resources  :good:


Sorry to hear of your loss MM 

Hope im not breaking the rules but have a look at Stalking Directory - similar but different to this forum

I use and enjoy and learn from both 

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On 13/12/2014 at 17:18, Fredwalton said:

Didn't have a good day, the pigeons have now decided to feed at the other end of the field. A few flew over my pattern but didn't want to come in, the only good thing of the day is the pigeons didn't see me. They were landing in the middle of the field, plenty of them and a steady flow every half hour or so they would be back. Anyone ever set a hide in the middle of the field if so how?


Sorry about your loss MM. Happy to contribute 

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I'm in as long as it's a standard yearly payment ie paying more to become a "Gold" member is not an option. Another forum I visit has accepted donations and a few of the members who gave "generously" seem to have suddenly become Moderators.

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