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Put up with an A Hole Permission owner or tell him where to go???


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Morning folks,

I'm after a few constructive opinions on whether i should tell a permission holder where to go, or put up with his continual sarcastic and at times unpleasant behaviour?? I've been using this permission on and off for 20 years. I've always told them to call me whenever they have a problem, day or night! And i'm usually there within 24 hours. 2 seasons ago they had 2 particular foxes that were seen running from the Lambing shed, (In sheds due to poor weather)             Really freaking the Ewes out. 24 hours later they were dispatched. Called to a cornered angry injured fox, presume hit be a care. I turned up and dispatched it within an hour. As for keeping in top of 4 different locations where Rape is being grown is a tall order. Especially as they're untrusting of strangers. You get the picture....

Anyhow, all through these 20 odd years, The one brother has always been sarcastic, condescending, and patronising, albeit subtley. Yet the other is a really nice bloke. I was told by the decent farmer to turn up when i want, just let them know i'm around. Which i always do by txt message. I try to deal with the decent one, but on ocassions i have to put up with gob ite. I'm always polite, despite his behaviour. The decent brother recently told me his brother gets off on being an A Hole and likes it. It makes him "him feel good" "Feel in control".

Now his farm is around 500-600 acres spread over different shooting grounds, within a 5 mile diameter. So i have an open ticket.  And the land is varied' arable, grass fields, and a woodland that he's turned into a family, dog walking, and horse riding picnic orientated arrangement with wide enough grass tracks you can easily drive through. I even spotted picnic table and chairs. He moans why i don't shoot in there, or go any where near it. YES! He really does. And this pee's him off. I've explained that most of his problems get sanctuary in the woods. Even he should work that out!!.... 

I have 4 other permissions i could go to, with a wide variety of hunting to be had over 1500 acres in total. The one being distant family linked, who i get on with great! Which is good as it's the best ground. Do i tell him to shove it. Or put up with it due to sentimental reasons, ? just because i properly started out there. And also don't want to lose a permission if possible....

He's told me he has somebody taking care of the rape. Good! That takes the heat off me. I was hoping to join up with whoever he or she is, to drive the feather from me to him or her, back and forth. But he keeps avoiding the subject.. He may be blagging me? He won't even give me the vehicle they use, so i can avoid that plot for safety reasons.

Apologies for the long post, Or if I've left bits out, I needed to put you in the picture.

As I've said, Constructive opinions appreciated.




Edited by jam1e
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I know, permissions are hard to come by, but shooting is my hobby, a time to relax and enjoy some hassle free personal time, so I wouldn't be taking any of this, particularly as you have other permissions.


I have a farm owned by two brothers, luckily they are both decent guys who are always pleased to see me.


Good luck Mate

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I can't be doing with it. One permission I had was always moaning and laying it on with all sorts of carp. I haven't bothered going back. Seen him about and he always asks but I'm not that bothered. As others have said its meant to be relaxing and not a chore. 

Personally I think it's being alone in tractors all day and spraying chemicals. 

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Everyone will have a different opinion on this but it sounds like you've reached a point here where a decision is going to be made by you, one way or the other. Personally I would ask the bloke point blank if I was still welcome on the land, as his attitude and comments to me were not what I would expect from someone I was trying to help, by way of controlling vermin on his land.  Sometimes people laugh it off and say things like "take no notice of me, its just my way" or he may front up and admit he has a problem with you. Either way its out in the open and he will know sly comments are not your thing. No one likes be talked down to or belittled. Hope it works out for you.

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It sounds as though the bloke is a bit of a **** who feels empowered and thinks he can talk to you in that way as he feels he's doing you a favour etc. I bet he's got a small **** and his wife calls the shots at home !!

Personally I'd walk away....As has been said shooting is a time for 'me' time where you can get absorbed in the day and forget about life's worries etc and enjoy your surroundings and the sport so having a idiot like that to deal with takes the edge off of it.

Either way I hope it works out for you 👍

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Thanks for your comments folks.

I appreciate i don't get out to shoot as often as i'd like. But i have mobility problems, due to degenerative disc desease. I've 3 metal fused discs in my lumbar. And it looks like i'll have 1 or 2 done in my neck this year. And possibly have my Sacro/iliac joints fused next year. If i agree to them obviously. I don't get out much, mainly to shoot a few targets, or do some pest control. The last thing i need is a moron like him making my life more difficult than it already is....



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You get people like that in life, but if you get on with the other brother and you have put up with the bad one for 20 years what as change to make you ask the question now?

think if he did not want you on the ground he would have told you by now.

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If he is the sort of person who is always belittling others .and does it to most people then just ignor it the best you can .you wont change him .and unless you have to spend a lot of time in his company i would just let it wash off you and keep the contact as brief  and matter of fact as possible .

Just think how sad he must be on the inside .

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I gained and lost a permission in the space of a week. 

My dad rents grass keep each year from his neighbour. She's difficult to get on with at the best of times. He said he could do with me going in there shooting the crows to keep them of the bales as the attack the wrap. I saw her so asked if I could go in and sort the crows out for me dad. Also asked if I could use me 22rf in there on any vermin. She said yeah ok as long I leave dear and hares alone. I said ok. Skip forward a week and me dad says he's seen her about paying for the ground and she's changed her mind on me shooting over it. Oh well, sooner dad buys it the better. You just can't predict some people.

If I was you I would stick it out. His brother has said its his way. You get on with the guys brother so I would deal mainly with him and limit the contact with the other brother. Not worth loosing ground for someone's way.

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Depends on the value the shooting has to you.

Ive bits that have everything and would turn a blind eye to a fair bit just for the sake of keeping it.Have had the odd place where it can be hard work but im thick enough skinned to either let it fly or give it back and if they dont like it then thats up to them.

At the end of the day,im a guest on their land so their rules.

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Have a conflab with the better half and sort out the problem

In no walks of life is there any person better than another

I have dealt with all kinds  so called generals . majors and the like and they are no better person as ones self

I have never doffed my cap to no man and never will including  dukes or Earls and viscounts

We ae all equals  and have shot with such, Only thing i found is they have been left more money than myself and many others but cannot shoot for their life

Have a little word with the better person and ask IF there is a problem

You're doing them a favour by vermin control Fact  Who else does?

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17 hours ago, ehb102 said:

Start treating everything he says as though he means it like a joke. Drives them crackers.

Many many moons ago when I joined the police force my Sergeant gave me a very useful piece of advise.  Should I come across an aggravating mouthy abusive person, to adjust my attitude to a really sugary nice pleasant smiley approach, then nick 'em and as said above it absoutely drives them barmy.  How good is the ground you have ? Could you replace it ?  Personally I would drive the bloke crazy as above and keep on enjoying the benefits if not let me know where it is and introduce me as your succesor.

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23 hours ago, dougall said:

my view is take the A hole for a beer;it is amazing how some people can change opinions.He clearly has issues and it is most likely something other than you but I would face it up;can't be too pleasant at least after this you will know where you stand...either way.

excactly this.............it will totally disarm him...........just be really nice to him..............

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If you are really attached to the land you will have to deal with the man whether you want to or not.

A novel approach might be 'I really enjoy your sarcastic sense of humour'.

Personally, if I have bad vibes from a landowner, farmer, farm manager or other shooters I just ease myself out of it. Life is too short.

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