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Scotland Ref#2


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So "she " is calling for Ref #2 for next year.............

i remember the previous thread....it was long and in some parts nasty.........my contribution was that i thought it a great shame that such a great part of Britain hates us that much ...they want to leave...........

quite honestly ........i would be quite happy to give Scotland their independence now without a vote as i am sick and bloody tired of them moaning every bloody day spitting out their unfounded bile at us English.

sorry but that is the way i feel about it now 

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I live close(ish) to the border and my wife is Scottish. 

It’s funny, when you speak to people up there and ask who they voted for (SNP) and when you speak to them about independence, they don’t want it.....


If they do get it, even though my wife is Scottish,  they need a bloody hard deal (including hard border and no £)......

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dont get me wrong.....i am biting at the SNP...............what i will say if it gets so intolerable for by birth Scots to live in their own land..............there will always be a very very warm welcome south of the border ............

we desparate people are so intertwinded thro marridge ...death and war....it is appalling that we could be looking at such a seperation........:good:



we could do with a hand shooting these bloody pigeons down here.....

PS......bring the geese and heather with you:lol:

Edited by ditchman
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The more the SNP push for a second referendum, the more people will be encouraged to cast their votes elsewhere IMO.


The last general election showed the very same, with the Conservatives winning far more seats than ever thought possible.


Wee Jimmy Krankie and her mob might shout the loudest, but i’d be confident a second vote would be even more in favour of remaining within the UK.

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Typical re-moaner rhetoric from the dwarf....another vote, cause the first one didn't go her way, & I'll wager a third if the second fails.

I cannot see the Scottish people been that stupid, if, & it's a big if, they vote for independence , it'll look like another hard border,

also doubt they'll be able to keep Sterling, & I doubt the EU would have another member feeding off the EU tit.

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

So "she " is calling for Ref #2 for next year.............

i remember the previous thread....it was long and in some parts nasty.........my contribution was that i thought it a great shame that such a great part of Britain hates us that much ...they want to leave...........

quite honestly ........i would be quite happy to give Scotland their independence now without a vote as i am sick and bloody tired of them moaning every bloody day spitting out their unfounded bile at us English.

sorry but that is the way i feel about it now 

Its a great shame that the SNP is part the 'opposition' in Westminster. I partially blame them for the Brexit debacle - if Parliament were to say say white the SNP will say Black just so they can play the victim. I'm Scottish and i would much rather be British than European. 

She wants to be independent, then join Europe. Beggars belief. Idiots. 

* You can't teach stupid. 

Edited by Cawdor118
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Why do we need a second refer we voted to stay if that clown sturgeon cant accept the vote she said was once in a lifetime move over and let some other clown do as the people voted 

shes like the playground bully you cant play with my ball unless  you vote yes 

Most Sottish folk i talk to reckon shes a clown  and how much do these ref votes cost Scotland ?. For her once in a lifetime vote and who pays for her to get her way the scottish tax payer  

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23 minutes ago, Cawdor118 said:

Its a great shame that the SNP is part the 'opposition' in Westminster. I partially blame them for the Brexit debacle - if Parliament were to say say white the SNP will say Black just so they can play the victim. I'm Scottish and i would much rather be British than European. 

She wants to be independent, then join Europe. Beggars belief. Idiots. 

* You can't teach stupid. 

Going by the past two referendums, the majority of Scots would prefer to be British and European.
Like it or not, the fact that their vote for the latter appears like it will effectively be disregarded, will likely be the grounds for having another referendum, and also likely influence, to some extent, the outcome of said independence referendum. To what extent remains to be seen. 

I’ve always wondered why English politicians want to keep Scotland in the union. Seems a pita to keep us, half the time! Unsaid answers have been oil (varying opinions of it’s worth), the issue of having to relocate the UK nuclear deterrent (not really a vote winner), and Scotland leaving the union making it less relevant. Or maybe a combination of the above? 


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Living here and putting up with the divisive rhetoric constantly is very wearing I have to say.

If you’re frustrated Ditchy then think about how us unionists feel when it is on every media platform every single day.

There is so much mediocrity within the Scottish Government, across both civil service and elected representatives, it is a genuinely frightening prospect that the SNP could be given full control.

However, having said that, there is no shortage of mediocrity in Westminster and Whitehall either.  

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I think if England had a referendum as to whether we wanted Scotland as part of us, Scotland would be cast free.  It's gotten ridiculous the politics we have now with the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly. If it's part of the UK, should only be one and that's Westminster.

If Scotland did get independence, it should mean fully independent, there own currency health care education armed forces the whole lot.

Edited by figgy
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42 minutes ago, grrclark said:

Living here and putting up with the divisive rhetoric constantly is very wearing I have to say.

If you’re frustrated Ditchy then think about how us unionists feel when it is on every media platform every single day.

There is so much mediocrity within the Scottish Government, across both civil service and elected representatives, it is a genuinely frightening prospect that the SNP could be given full control.

However, having said that, there is no shortage of mediocrity in Westminster and Whitehall either.  

Apathy is a major contributor too,...........

2 minutes ago, figgy said:

I think if England had a referendum as to whether we wanted Scotland as part of us, Scotland would be cast free.  It's gotten ridiculous the politics we have now with the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly. If it's part of the UK, should only be one and that's Westminster.

that is something i have recently thought............but if it came to pass....us English wouldnt vote against the Scots they would vote against the Nicola Surgeons of this world and the awful bilous retoric that "i think" comes out of her mouth.........

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most scots I know are great ,one id class as one of my closest friends ,but as with every thing get one bad apple (jimmy krankie ) spoils the bunch ,you got to remember these people spout this stuff not for the peoples need but to further themselves, if we are not in Europe bang goes their chances of becoming meps and another fat wage cheque each year ,I think some should be had up on hate speech charges

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What I don't get is she wants independence with one hand but denies it to the islands that want the same and when she gets this independence she will give it away to the eu in any case. 

Also how will she join the eu when scotland is running such a debt and has done for decades? The oil won't go far.

What she proposes is simply not sustainable and the eu won't want another basket case to bail out. I don't think the Scottish want to be fighting for scraps from the table with the likes of Bulgaria et al either. 

That said if they vote independence they are welcome to it, we had a wall for a reason and I'm starting to see why. 

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she never mentions how Scotland will finance itself after a successful independence. If HM Treasury withdrew all Scottish funding calculated under the Barnet Formula could Scotland be self financing? I admit I do not know the answer but it's a vital part of the debate.

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28 minutes ago, Bobba said:

she never mentions how Scotland will finance itself after a successful independence. If HM Treasury withdrew all Scottish funding calculated under the Barnet Formula could Scotland be self financing? I admit I do not know the answer but it's a vital part of the debate.

Just like the Brexit debate here. Its easier to say I want out and point to all the things wrong with where you are rather than look at how things will be better or worse in another place.

With all the Brexit uncertainty it seems a very strange time to be pushing for independence. Unraveling 300 years of co-operation is going to be a lot harder than unraveling 40 years. 

10 hours ago, grrclark said:

Living here and putting up with the divisive rhetoric constantly is very wearing I have to say.

If you’re frustrated Ditchy then think about how us unionists feel when it is on every media platform every single day.

There is so much mediocrity within the Scottish Government, across both civil service and elected representatives, it is a genuinely frightening prospect that the SNP could be given full control.

However, having said that, there is no shortage of mediocrity in Westminster and Whitehall either.  

You have PR and with the SNP a certain vision for the future it's a lot more than we get from Westminster. We do not even have our own English Parliament. 


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12 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

If they are to leave, then they should be leaving with their share of the national debt (which stands at over £2 Trillion) and nothing else.

It's about £166,000,000,000.

That's ok as Scotland is producing high amounts of renewable energy and believe that they can be rich beyond all belief as they have all the oil and gas as well. There is also a certain belief that they can do anything because they are masters of their own destiny when released from "Westminster" but they also have a similar belief in their football and rugby teams...

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1 hour ago, Bobba said:

she never mentions how Scotland will finance itself after a successful independence. If HM Treasury withdrew all Scottish funding calculated under the Barnet Formula could Scotland be self financing? I admit I do not know the answer but it's a vital part of the debate.

We could start to prepare Scotland for total independence now, since they can set their own tax rates now, by removing the Barnett formula and applying the same rules to the whole UK.  Tin hat on

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I bet I’m not alone as an English man in getting sick and tired of the endless anti union, anti Westminster spite, bile and whinging rhetoric coming out particularly from the SNP in Westminster and in the Scottish Parliament!...........Scotland, NI and Wales are part of this country the same as Yorkshire, Norfolk, Cornwall or any other part of the UK is!......rather than them getting independence, I am fast forming the opinion, that the devolved parliaments should be abolished, and bought back under the total control of one Parliament!

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