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Anyone think they’ve already had it?


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As I stated in another thread, I talked to a mate just before lockdown who reckoned he’d already had it following a skiing trip to Italy in early January.

Have just been talking to another mate in town who reckons he’s had it. His symptoms were everything we are being told they could be, including a horrendous temperature, and this was just after Christmas. He didn’t pass it on to his wife apart from a barking dry cough. 
OH and me have had all manner of symptoms some time ago, but nothing severe, so it may have just minor cold symptoms? 

Daughter had a horrendous cold over Christmas which left her with an awful enduring cough right up to lockdown, and son similar, so who knows. 
Anyone pretty convinced they’ve had it? 

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13 minutes ago, Gameking said:

Birthday ? Wedding Anniversary  ? or did you agree to a new £5OK kitchen 😁

:lol:...i was being stupid.........

but in all seriousness........about a month before this all started ...i was very close to being hospitalised with covid-19 like symptoms...........im fairly sure it was a nasty cold that eventually went on my chest and locked it up..........i never have a sore throat but this time i did ..and boy it was sore .....but the whole thing came and went very quickly over about 6 days..............my chest was that bad i couldnt walk more than 10 paces before getting very out of breath...

but as i say that was a month before the covid - 19 thing started........

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Possibly mid March I had a temperature sore throat followed by a cough and a tight chest.  None particularly bad but I’ve never had a tight chest in my life so I do wonder if I have had it very mildly.  However none of the household had it so it may just have been a cold but the symptoms do sound a bit textbook

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15 minutes ago, al4x said:

Possibly mid March I had a temperature sore throat followed by a cough and a tight chest.  None particularly bad but I’ve never had a tight chest in my life so I do wonder if I have had it very mildly.  However none of the household had it so it may just have been a cold but the symptoms do sound a bit textbook

Yes as above + an excruciating headache for 24 hours. 

Edited by The Heron
Missed out word
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Glad it isn't just me. Christmas Eve I felt like death, hacking dry cough that lasted for a month and going to bed freezing cold but middle of the night pouring with sweat. No runny nose or typical cold symptoms though, but very much typical Corona symptoms.  I felt genuinely ill, usually I just ignore coughs and colds and get on with it. I didn't go abroad, but 2 weeks before Chirstmas we had a shoot and my clientele are very much the type who would have been to Italy, France etc skiing and there was much hand shaking and cramming on trailers etc.

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My dad had all of the symptoms that we've been told about at the end of Feb, he'd finished his 8th Chemo session about 2 weeks before the coughing started and had to be rushed into hospital, 2 units of blood and a course of IV antibiotics and he was discharged after about 5 days.

I'd love to know if he's had it as he's in the "at risk" category so it would be good to know that he's had it and if the current understanding is true then he can't get it again.

Edited by Deker
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Don't think that anyone who had symptoms before January at the earliest would have had C19 otherwise we would have been overrun with it well before now due to how virulent it is.

We have 2 friends who have had it confirmed, one a doctor in palliative care, the other a person at risk due to health reasons. Both came through it and said the symptoms were aches, cough, temperature and loss of smell and taste. Sister and her husband have returned from Italy in February iirc, and have been describing similar apart from the aches and are otherwise well, he's working from home as they have it rife at his work in Kazakhstan and he thinks that they will have to shut it down over there soon.

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Yep, hospitalised in early January. Stayed in a hotel over NewYear with a large party of Asian nationals. Wife was very ill for a few days with cough and raging temperature. I had all the symptoms with low oxygen levels and difficulty breathing. Rushed into hospital with pneumonia but of course they weren’t testing then. Also had liver problems. Took me two months to recover but now feeling fine. Waiting for the antibody tests in due course but still not taking any risks! If Boris feels like I did he best take a few weeks recovering at least.

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My daughter is pretty convinced that she had it just after Christmas. 

I've got high blood pressure,  my liver is shot , and I'm a big fat lump with arthritis  , I wake up every morning with a raging temperature ,painful joints , and a very bad cold , on my best days I feel like I've been in a car crash , i could get it and wouldn't be able to tell the difference 😊

I had a friend that sadly passed away around two months ago , he was a security officer at a local college,  the cause of death was pneumonia,  it looks likely now that he might have been one of the early victims 😕.

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46 minutes ago, henry d said:

Don't think that anyone who had symptoms before January at the earliest would have had C19 otherwise we would have been overrun with it well before now due to how virulent it is.

We have 2 friends who have had it confirmed, one a doctor in palliative care, the other a person at risk due to health reasons. Both came through it and said the symptoms were aches, cough, temperature and loss of smell and taste. Sister and her husband have returned from Italy in February iirc, and have been describing similar apart from the aches and are otherwise well, he's working from home as they have it rife at his work in Kazakhstan and he thinks that they will have to shut it down over there soon.

I read from a reputable source that the earliest case they can confirm in the UK was brought in from an Austrian ski resort in early Jan. The resort was in trouble as it appeared they had known something nasty was doing the rounds but had managed to cover it up.

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5 hours ago, Deker said:

My dad had all of the symptoms that we've been told about at the end of Feb, he'd finished his 8th Chemo session about 2 weeks before the coughing started and had to be rushed into hospital, 2 units of blood and a course of IV antibiotics and he was discharged after about 5 days.

I'd love to know if he's had it as he's in the "at risk" category so it would be good to know that he's had it and if the current understanding is true then he can't get it again.

I know someone who has had the symptoms and been off ill twice.

She works in a Doctor's surgery.

She has been told that in all likelihood she has had it twice, and will be the first tested when her surgery finally receive the testing kits.

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We think we've had it but in a fairly mild way. My wife was ill after we came back from Disneyland paris in mid February. There were loads of chinese tourists there. We didnt really get the "advertised"symptoms of raging temp or sore throat but had all the symptoms that now appear to be part of it... loss of taste/smell, upset stomachs, dizzy, fatigue and a nasty dry cough. The worst part for me was the cough as I'd badly done my back in the previous week and every cough set off a spasm.

Our 5 year old didn't appear to suffer from it.

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Fever, cough and shortness of breath are the most common symptoms of suspected and confirmed Covid infections, prodrome  (pre main symptoms) symptoms may precede these such as muscle aches, headache, vomiting and diarrhoea however they can be experienced at any time throughout the illness. Dry cough is the most significant lingering symptom as this is from the residual inflammatory response. It can only be confirmed on high nasal and deep throat swab or bloods.

I fortunately have not had any symptoms within the early cases time frame but may have had the infection and been asymptomatic.

Hope everyone is keeping well.



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1 minute ago, 7daysinaweek said:

Fever, cough and shortness of breath are the most common symptoms of suspected and confirmed Covid infections, prodrome  (pre main symptoms) symptoms may precede these such as muscle aches, headache, vomiting and diarrhoea however they can be experienced at any time throughout the illness. Dry cough is the most significant lingering symptom as this is from the residual inflammatory response. It can only be confirmed on high nasal and deep throat swab or bloods.

I fortunately have not had any symptoms within the early cases time frame but may have had the infection and been asymptomatic.

Hope everyone is keeping well.



Thanks. Have experience all of those with the exception of vomiting, at some time from the beginning of March. 
Id like to think I’d had it, but I’m doubtful. It will be interesting to find out anyhow, when all this is over. 
Shooting mate who is in the ‘high risk ‘ group and was furloughed as a result a couple of days after we went shooting at Coniston, experienced some very weird symptoms a couple of weeks ago to the extent an ambulance was called. He didn’t go, but his GP who checked him over the following morning suspected Covid infection, but he seems ok now. 🤷‍♂️ 

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We have to remember that this was a virus long before China admitted to it. So it is possible that it was in the country before it all blew up. And the combination of weather and temp allowed it to balloon out of control from February to March. I and so had the other half had awful coughs and felt totally wiped out. But again could that just of been a cold who knows if anyone has actually had it unless tested. It's symptoms aren't dis similar to a bad cold or even the flu as it is the same family of nasties. 

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I think a lot of this is psychological ... I saw a news report that said they confirmed that less than 10% of people who thought that they had it, actually had. 

I feel like I have had it myself mind ... working in the hospital, two colleagues tested positive. Half the team went self isolating but didn’t get tested. 

I had a cough and tickle in the throat, no fever at all, in fact temp was lower than it should be. Towards the end I had about 2-3 day’s where I felt a dull burning sensation in my chest... especially bad overnight when going to bed or first thing in morning. My lodger then started to get that chest burning a few days after me. 

We are all fine now though. My partner has had a bit of a cough recently though perhaps she had it now? 🤔


Or maybe none of us had it at all ... which is the most worrying. At least if you had it we can sort of get back on with our lives! 

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