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Anyone else supporting the Govt.?


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I've stopped watching questions at the daily news conference, as it's an endless stream of pseudo-experts who seem to have picked just a single element in isolation, and want to make a point about how the govt. could have done better.

I think Whitty, Vallance etc. are doing a sterling job advising our Govt., who are throwing unheard of sums of money to try to satisfy thousands of permutations on health and economy which are all interdependently linked. It's perhaps the best example of a 'messy' problem that there's been.

People moan about the hardship of lockdown, and there are some tragic deaths, and horror stories. The economic consequences for many will be severe …. but WE ARE NOT SENDING PEOPLE TO THE TRENCHES!!

Most folks I know think the govt. are doing a decent job … I do too. Am I on my own here?

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I think they've done a very good job, however I think the daily update has been turned into a bit of a farce by the media, I think that they'd be better off asking for submitted questions and then just doing a blanket update to answer the most popular questions.

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 Been following Trumps pathetic efforts (more like lack of them), compared to them our government have /are doing marvellously, by no means perfect but what government in the world has a perfect solution.  

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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15 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

I've stopped watching questions at the daily news conference, as it's an endless stream of pseudo-experts who seem to have picked just a single element in isolation, and want to make a point about how the govt. could have done better.

I think Whitty, Vallance etc. are doing a sterling job advising our Govt., who are throwing unheard of sums of money to try to satisfy thousands of permutations on health and economy which are all interdependently linked. It's perhaps the best example of a 'messy' problem that there's been.

People moan about the hardship of lockdown, and there are some tragic deaths, and horror stories. The economic consequences for many will be severe …. but WE ARE NOT SENDING PEOPLE TO THE TRENCHES!!

Most folks I know think the govt. are doing a decent job … I do too. Am I on my own here?

hello, one word NO,

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18 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

People moan about the hardship of lockdown, and there are some tragic deaths, and horror stories. The economic consequences for many will be severe …. but WE ARE NOT SENDING PEOPLE TO THE TRENCHES!!

Most folks I know think the govt. are doing a decent job … I do too. Am I on my own here?

I'm sure there are thousands struggling especially self employed but I'd say the government started off doing a great job with the furlough,  yes the borders could have been shut earlier and I've said we're not being bombed just told to stay at home.

Problem as I see it now is they are trying to please everyone and that's not possible. 

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Same old story, you see it every day, its not just the Covid story, everyone not involved would have done a better job, same as football, everyone off the pitch plays better than those on the pitch. 


Management is the same, all those on the shop floor blames the management yet never move from the shop floor because they are either incompetent or plain lazy. 

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34 minutes ago, dead eye alan said:

Hind sight is a wonderful thing, but will solve nothing!

Some people did ask for the borders to be closed sooner though (and in fact for flights to be stopped from China) so not all hindsight however the actual numbers are only available with hindsight.

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They have done the best of a bad job,l believe we should have been locked down three weeks before we did and shut our borders,but that didnt happen and we are were we are,its the governments job to make decisions on are behalf,they have stepped up to the mark and dealt with it as best they can.

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In general I think the Government have done an OK job. Closing the borders is impractical for a country like the UK and once the virus was in (and I would have got in anyway) then it  makes little difference as the scientists have said many times.

personally I think the  lockdown was a blunt instrument and should have been targeted at the vulnerable rather than everybody. 

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Personally I am not indifferent nor ambivalent about the coronavirus problem. It's just that matters are too complicated for my limited brain to work on and come to sensible conclusions.

Some of the experts seem so limited outside their own field of expertise, Government advisors are just that, Government ministers are simply passing on what they are told, reporters are playing Devil's Advocate because no answers can be definitive. 

No one really knows about the source of the virus nor how to deal with it short, medium or long term.

How anyoncan criticise the Government's actions is beyond me.

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20 minutes ago, mellors said:

Let's hope everyone heeds the advise. But I doubt they will this weekend. Loads of caravans and camper vans going by on the road today. 


The fact that people are getting away for the weekend need not be a problem.

I think the government are doing a good job. This is not an easy situation to deal with.

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Guest cookoff013

hindsight would be wonderful.

traveling in time would be wonderful.


Do you remember ronnie o sullivan, playing snooker but not shaking anyones hand. it was reported in the media as crazy behavior. now its the norm. if you try and shake anyone's hand in this climate, you probably could get done for making an attempt on someones life.

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I think the government have done a good job under very difficult circumstances, but I think it's time to stop the question time. It doesn't achieve anything, apart from answering the same questions day after day. It may be better to have just one day - perhaps a Friday - to give a status report and quick Q&A session. Any  major developments can be put in the normal news programmes.

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1 hour ago, JDog said:

Personally I am not indifferent nor ambivalent about the coronavirus problem. It's just that matters are too complicated for my limited brain to work on and come to sensible conclusions.

Some of the experts seem so limited outside their own field of expertise, Government advisors are just that, Government ministers are simply passing on what they are told, reporters are playing Devil's Advocate because no answers can be definitive. 

No one really knows about the source of the virus nor how to deal with it short, medium or long term.

How anyoncan criticise the Government's actions is beyond me.

If most were honest I think they would agree with your first sentence and I agree with that too.  It is a vastly complex problem for so many reasons and there is no simple sensible conclusion, it is all compromise.

Also agree on the experts comment, those who are focussed solely on public health will take an ultra-conservative view in that respect, those who are economists will focus on that particular aspect, the sociologists will consider the public behaviour first and foremost, and so it goes on.

The government have to make a political choice that seeks to balance everything knowing that whatever compromise they make will be criticised as both being not enough or going too far, depending on the point of view of the person throwing the rocks.  When every decision must be compromise they are are damned whatever they do or say.

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3 hours ago, Dougy said:

Management is the same, all those on the shop floor blames the management yet never move from the shop floor because they are either incompetent or plain lazy. 

Nah! A lot of the time people don’t ascend the “greasy pole” because they will not **** or creep around their bosses, will not sell out and shun patronage earned from “services rendered”........nothing to do with competence or laziness.......more to do with morals and self respect!

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