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Muddy Funker

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A big change has arrived.


A couple of days ago I worked my last shift with Surrey Police after ten years. The other half and I have always dreamed of having a sensible sized detached house with acres of land but the reality is that down this way it just isn't ever going to be achievable.

So a year ago I applied to mod plod with a view to working at Clyde and living within an hour or so putting us around the Inveraray area of the Highlands. We've travelled extensively in Scotland and love the place. It was going full steam ahead until their budget caused recruitment to be frozen. A couple of months ago they got in touch and asked if I'd consider St Fergus as a location.


Cue a bit of research and with the area and property prices looking great I said hell yeah let's do this.

We cut a trip to the Hebrides short to drive across and check out the areas around Turriff and Banff as the Aberdeenshire area isn't somewhere we've really spent any time. It looked great from where I was sitting. Not as rugged as the west more like the rolling farmland of devon and cornwall which to be fair is no bad thing.


The last couple of months have snowballed, had medical with a formal offer a couple of days later, a months notice and that's it.


I have to say I found leaving quite hard, ten years is quite a while to be working somewhere. The last 4 years I've spent working on the ARV's which I kept quiet about here. It was something I always wanted to have a go at to and I've been really proud to have earned a place on that dept and keep it. I like where I live and love the role within the job I do as well as the team I work with. I guess it's only natural that it's difficult to walk away from something you care about. Would be easier if I hated everything!!!


But bigger picture and all. We'll forever be chasing our tails if we stay in the South, it's just too expensive. I'm driving up to mod hq later today to start a couple of weeks admin course tomorrow. Then a full 12 week arv course up at faslane commuting each week from down here! I think we'll move up during course as that's going to destroy me. I was hoping not to have to do a full course to be fair.


I always said never again after the first firearms course, guess I'm a glutton for punishment.


The logistics of it all is a bit of a headache but I'm fairly certain it's the right move. I'm 40 now and liifes too short to fanny about and wonder what if.

I've got a co terminous renewal next year with the permissions down here so I guess this is just another headache to short out, I'm sure there's no shortage of dealers to look after the guns. Renting initially so doubt I can use my safe.


Sure everything will work out and a year from now all the ball ache he will be forgotten :-)







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Cheers for the good lucks. It's a big change but I know a few people that have moved from Surrey to Aus and Canada so I've taken some man up pills and got on with it haha. That's a really big step so I guess an hours plane ride away is no big deal, that's what I'm telling myself.

Looking forward to seeing how it pans out.


I'll check out that gunshop re storage thank you.


You won't look back, I moved to a similar force and it's great. Always finish on time for a start.

Can't believe you have to do a full coarse! I took my quals with me.


I thought I might get away with a few weeks conversion type thing as all the qualifications are national. Of course there's always some variations from force to force but yeah didn't think I'd be doing the lot. I don't mind though it certainly won't be as hard as the first one plus it'll be good to polish things up.


It's come at a good time as after 10 years I'm pretty much done with home office policing. It's only the fact I've been in an armed role that I've stayed. I'm happy stepping into the shadows now and doing a guarding role away from numbnut idiots police generally deal with.


Good Man.


you have mail




Replied to :good:

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Well done..it takes balls to uproot and move at 40.


I had the opportunity to do the same 20 years ago over to Canada.. But Bottled it at the 11th hour.


I'm sure you wont regret it.


Good Luck and don't be a stranger to the Forum.

Moved North of Inverness 20 years ago, not a single regret, apart from not been able to go watch the Leeds Rhinos!

That's no bad thing. !

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A big change has arrived.


A couple of days ago I worked my last shift with Surrey Police after ten years. The other half and I have always dreamed of having a sensible sized detached house with acres of land but the reality is that down this way it just isn't ever going to be achievable.

So a year ago I applied to mod plod with a view to working at Clyde and living within an hour or so putting us around the Inveraray area of the Highlands. We've travelled extensively in Scotland and love the place. It was going full steam ahead until their budget caused recruitment to be frozen. A couple of months ago they got in touch and asked if I'd consider St Fergus as a location.


Cue a bit of research and with the area and property prices looking great I said hell yeah let's do this.

We cut a trip to the Hebrides short to drive across and check out the areas around Turriff and Banff as the Aberdeenshire area isn't somewhere we've really spent any time. It looked great from where I was sitting. Not as rugged as the west more like the rolling farmland of devon and cornwall which to be fair is no bad thing.


The last couple of months have snowballed, had medical with a formal offer a couple of days later, a months notice and that's it.


I have to say I found leaving quite hard, ten years is quite a while to be working somewhere. The last 4 years I've spent working on the ARV's which I kept quiet about here. It was something I always wanted to have a go at to and I've been really proud to have earned a place on that dept and keep it. I like where I live and love the role within the job I do as well as the team I work with. I guess it's only natural that it's difficult to walk away from something you care about. Would be easier if I hated everything!!!


But bigger picture and all. We'll forever be chasing our tails if we stay in the South, it's just too expensive. I'm driving up to mod hq later today to start a couple of weeks admin course tomorrow. Then a full 12 week arv course up at faslane commuting each week from down here! I think we'll move up during course as that's going to destroy me. I was hoping not to have to do a full course to be fair.


I always said never again after the first firearms course, guess I'm a glutton for punishment.


The logistics of it all is a bit of a headache but I'm fairly certain it's the right move. I'm 40 now and liifes too short to fanny about and wonder what if.


I've got a co terminous renewal next year with the permissions down here so I guess this is just another headache to short out, I'm sure there's no shortage of dealers to look after the guns. Renting initially so doubt I can use my safe.


Sure everything will work out and a year from now all the ball ache he will be forgotten :-)








St Fergus ...... Memories ... As you say not like the west coast ... Worked there a few times bringing the gas pipes ashore into the gas plant. Peterhead to the south .. Fraserborough just north. Plenty of rabbits to shoot and if your into golf a great course at Cruden bay.

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Done that but I would consider the possibilities IF SNP go round 2 with independance and how you would feel about that. We have discussed possibly 'moving back to the UK' if that was the case. It's not going to be pretty during round 2 either!


Also, try to avoid spending hours commuting, find a place near to where you work, you'll regret wasting those hours when the west coast beckons or over the long winter months

Edited by Pugs
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