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Buzzard shot down - caught on camera


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The press machine has just rolled into action. Apparently the Police are appealing for information, but it's not on the Police website yet. Meanwhile the RSPB are going to make hay of this. I bet the police have whomever it was already.

Really, you can't defend this. Give it your best shot though, PW! 

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6 minutes ago, ehb102 said:


The press machine has just rolled into action. Apparently the Police are appealing for information, but it's not on the Police website yet. Meanwhile the RSPB are going to make hay of this. I bet the police have whomever it was already.

Really, you can't defend this. Give it your best shot though, PW! 

Why would we?

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Not that there’s ever a good time for something like this, but it kind of cancels everything Beefy was writing about in the papers the other day. 
The RSPB will go to town with this, which fortunately for them will overshadow Bothams criticism of them. You couldn’t make it up.....or could you? 🙂

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I think we all know that this has happened in the UK previously (bird of prey persecution). It is absolutely wrong. The question is to what extent continues today.

Clearly it's a few bad apples, and catching one incident on camera doesn't change that. Hopefully they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I think almost all shooters would be pretty horrified to see this. 

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Oh good grief, whoever was that STUPID needs to be protected from all those who will now wish to scare the **** out of him!

I am intrigued, the witness who filmed the shooting states he heard a crack.

The investigation found 4 pellets, three of which were apparently historic.

Was it shot with a shotgun or a riffle or an air rifle.

Either way it is wrong and I really hope the irresponsible and thoughtless idiot is prosecuted.

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Indefensible, but a few things seem a bit odd.

Witness heard a "crack" but sound on video definitely shotgun. Maybe just inexperience of guns.

Bird in video was hit hard and folded, I'd say very unlikely to be alive yet found alive several days later.

Broken wing from 1 pellet and several older pellets in the bird doesn't seem to tally with the video.

Of course this may mean that the bird found was another all together and that just makes things worse!

But also odd that police were not called/didn't attend as surely anyone would have reported immediately and they'd attend a firearms incident?

Just a few things that might need to be questioned.



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seems a bit suspious to me..............someone "just happened " to be filming it at excactly the right time in the right place on the right day and the right bird...........its almost as if the filmer knew it was going to happen...."by prior arrangement"???

i would need alot more infomation on this before i make any judgement


fer christ sake ....you need to be some 120% dyed in the wool muppet to do something like that on the edge of a bird reserve.....

film went out very quickly to the media....no wonder the police have yet to make a comment

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As Ditchie says it could be a 'set up'. However we should all write in and decry the incident and hope that he criminal is sorted to the full extent of the law.  IF the fil taker was that close then not beyond possibilty to follow the shooter and identify.   Bird had historic injury makes me wonder if it was a bird released for the job having been shot previously.  It is not beyond the ability of extremists.

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Yes! Shooting of BOP wrong! . . . . Or convenient maybe? Beefy/ GL's/ GB releases/ consultations/ lack of support and funds. Mmmmm. Was only saying other week we haven't had one of these events lately. . . .  Police have spoken to a man in connection with it. And??? . . . . But could vid have been stitched together? Not exactly clear and that bird look like it was hit hard for one piece of ("recent") shot. They appear quite calm/clear in audio (wind?) and look quite close to scene. Why as with others has it taken so long to release details/vid/appeal for evidence of a alleged crime that happened on 10th October? A injured bird was found on 19th October with "3 old pellets? in it" and 1 new Is it the same bird? Mmmm. Nine days in wild after evading (what not even feathers) extensive search by "professionals" with a broken wing not able to hunt. Not attacked by predators? A kestrel was having a go before the bird was shot. Then ahh there it is, found close to the incident? Very strange! . . . So badly injured it had to be euthanised by a vet? If so and If it's the same dead bird shown on the tail gate of that truck it looks in remarkable condition? No blood, no damaged/broken/ wet/ dirty feathers or signs it had been struggling on the ground in habitat where it could not be found in Autumn. Amazing! Why is only pic taken/shown on back of a dirty truck after it been in vets and euthanised? Surely secured in evidance bag and frozen? . . .  Where was Chris to hold it up to camera like other such good looking corpse's. . . . Not saying it didn't happen as it did! But as ever selective (no doubt fund raising for both) info/heart strings vid released at a time to help push/achieve a weak agenda. We only ever get to see and hear part of the story. Or out come! 

Just saying. My observations and some of the questions i would be asking    NB 

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34 minutes ago, eddoakley said:

Indefensible, but a few things seem a bit odd.

Witness heard a "crack" but sound on video definitely shotgun. Maybe just inexperience of guns.

Bird in video was hit hard and folded, I'd say very unlikely to be alive yet found alive several days later.

Broken wing from 1 pellet and several older pellets in the bird doesn't seem to tally with the video.

Of course this may mean that the bird found was another all together and that just makes things worse!

But also odd that police were not called/didn't attend as surely anyone would have reported immediately and they'd attend a firearms incident?

Just a few things that might need to be questioned.



Yep, Two separate birds, the first one in the video was dead in the air, the second one found with a broken wing, but still alive.

More than likely both birds were shot by the same person.

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38 minutes ago, old'un said:

Yep, Two separate birds, the first one in the video was dead in the air, the second one found with a broken wing, but still alive.

More than likely both birds were shot by the same person.

A bird with a wing broken by one pellet CLOSE TO THE BODY will fall like stone as if dead.

Edited by London Best
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