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How much does your shooting cost per year?


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I know we shouldn’t care too much about the cost of hobbies, as long as we’re getting enjoyment from them but (reading the “How many bangs” thread got me thinking about the costs involved.


I reckon I spend under £200 per year, which includes cartridges and clays.

I’m not a member of any clubs, so I don’t have that outlay.

Plus, my guns are cheapos now, compared to what I used to own.

How about you?

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Probably about the same as you to be honest, I am a member of a small club and we rent woods and surrounding farmland, this costs me £30 a year, and although I go for a wander around there weekly, I don't usually have more than a few shots at rabbit etc each time, I can also use the same land with my airguns too.

Don't go clay shooting as often as I should, but usually go beating every 2 weeks in the season, although this year the shoot has been mothballed

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Now I am older I shoot mostly driven days. I spend on average about £4K on game shooting plus my stalking costs me around £600. The amount I spend on clay shooting is negligible. Cartridge costs really add very little more but fuel is quite a factor. So, all in, something over £5k per year. I must stress that this could not possibly come out of my pension income but is mostly funded from lifetime savings.

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Including cartridges, a good day out on the clays can cost over a hundred quid, and I do that as often as possible, I pay 230.00 per year for syndicate subs, but most other shooting ( rough shoot etc ) costs me just fuel and cartridges, so........maybe around 1500 quid a year including fuel? Could be more. 
Never given it much thought really, but perhaps I should. 
It’s costing someone I know a fair bit this season, he’s just paid £4K for a Browning Crown! 🙂

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Sorry can't divulge that at the moment ...someone looking over my shoulder.... NO NO...just joking, that is one problem I do not have and she grumbles if I don't book another day and enjoys being their herself as cartridge picker upper.

I think probably about the same as London Best.  I have 15 days now booked avaeraging about £350 to £400 a day, then add travel , overnight stays.  My 'rough shooting' costs me nothing and I don't shoot clays these days.

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Breaking mine down for cost... well my 5yr licence costs about 100quid so basically for this year I've spent 20quid on that and I've only bought 75 cartridges costing me less than 20quid so all in all this year including fuel to go shooting I've spent less than 40quid.

I was given a load of old cartridges so I'm not short of them for my usual hedgerows walks with the gun and maybe next payday I'm going to buy another few hundred .22lr

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Usually out 4 days a week so that's pushing £50 in fuel. No idea how much on cartridges but every time I go to the gun shop I get coffee and biscuits so it must be a fair bit. Guns this last 3 years 20g hushpower 20g silver pigeon an old miroku o/u 12 g to replace worn out Aya o/u. It's a lot when you start adding up kit and a new isuzu huntsman. But keeps me out where I want to be. 👍


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I often say ."I don't go shooting to save money ". 

I dont throw my money away on shooting either , and I prefer to get a bargin weather on a new or s/h gun scope or ammo .

But to be honest when I'm in the hide I don't count my carts or worry that a single pigeon took 3 shots to bring down .

I dont want to count up the cost .whats the point - to make myself feel bad or better ? 

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No where near as much as some of the above, but 95% of my shooting is mainly pigeons with wild fowling and rough shooting during the Winter months , I do go on all our game shoots but to pick up shot game and not the person who have pulled the trigger , although I get a full year of sport the cost is not that bad , I am a full member of our local wildfowling club and I do get part of the cost of Pigeon shooting by selling the bags to either the dealer or our village pub .

I don't smoke or drink and the fresh air , exercise and pleasure I get from shooting is money well spent and while I can the cost isn't, and never was a issue .

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If i was to add it up then I'd probably stop again.

Before lockdown at least a slab a week on clays sometimes more. Plus the clays, often over £100 per day. Little less on Pigeon and Corvids then the fuel, gear, "extras". I don't really want to know. 

Since lockdown, a lot less all round. 

Currently don't do game days as I find them overly expensive and I can't walk to a peg.

Thinking about it, no wonder my RFD has me on speed dial😂

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